Aura Of Goa (Goa2V) PE 18.9. w. Talamasca, Andromeda, Chromosome and Trootootoo decos
Date is confirmed and international acts booked. We will publish first artists soon, stay tuned ;)
Information updated. First part of line-up is published.
According to our information, all four international acts (Talamasca, Andromeda, Chromosome and suprise act) have never performed in Finland, so we have 4 debut performances in Finland !
Tänne juhlistaan synttäreitä!
Andromedan 'Temptations' -albumi oli kyl kova
sillon joskus! <3
surp(r)ise, its a trap
terveiset Saksanmaalta, vielä 2.5kk nii sit pärähtää.
Uusia albumeja myös tulossa, ilmeisesti ainakin Lergoi Volacheck, jossain vaiheessa Soladria, ja Salakavalallakin on kuulemma paljon uutta materiaalia.
jep, pitää golemin huhut paikkansa levyn suhteen, tosin rajoitettu omakustanne,
tarjottu kyl myös exogenic breaksille, mut varmaan aika epätodennäköstä et natsaa.
jos ite painatan siis niin sit kun on rahaa, tämän vuoden puolella kylläkin.
tuon näihin bileisiin asianmukaisin kansin varustettuna jonkun verran, lisää infoo saa
aina ensimmäisenä
kovat on odotukset näistä kemuista, eikä vähiten omalta osalta ;)
aaaa, mikä lineuppi! Syksyn kovimmat spykepileet :)
jos joku sattu olee alpparissa tänään nii soittelin siel pari Chromosomen ja Talamascan biisii.
Chromosome - Human Structure
Talamasca - To Be Continued (with Eskimo)
Line-up updated. The following artists added to line-up:
Lionel Tiger
Inkeri Tähti
Peter Pan
Ticket price is announced soon and presale ticket sales starts. Ticket price for main event is probably between 15-25eur, and for afterparty abt. 8-10eur.
Line-up on päivitetty ja ylläolevat artistit lisätty line-uppiin. Lipun hinta julkaistaan pian, mutta se on todennäköisesti 15-25eur välimaastossa päätapahtumalle ja aamubileille n. 8-10eur.
Ticket price for main event is 19eur for presale tickets and 23eur from door (if the event is not sold out beforehand). Line-up is now divided between main event and afterparty. Afterparty price will be published soon. Ticket sales starts in all sales points (Tiketti, Cybershop Kamppi and Cybershop Asematunneli Wednesday 5th August 10AM)
Afterparty is directly after main event, Saturday 19th of September 05-12 in Playground.
Afterparty line-up:
Texas Faggott Live (Exogenic)
Soladria Live (Goa, Peyotii Recordings)
Indigo (Unity, Sininen)
Tim Thick (Exogenic, Texas Faggott, Mandalavandalz)
Lionel Tiger (Blow)
Whiskey Baba (aka Calamar Audio, Antiscarp)
Peter Pan (Entropy)
Getafix (Sokeaa Euforiaa)
Muistutus, että ennakkolippujen myynti alkaa huomenna keskiviikkona klo 10 kaikissa myyntipisteissä (Tiketti, Cybershop Kamppi ja Cybershop Asematunneli)
flyer added.
Vitunvitunvittu KOulu-urani tokavika tentti seuraavana päivänä. Ei olis pahemmin varaa missaa niitä tenttejä. Onnistuuko hillitön etukäteen lukeminen ja bileis iisisti, streittinä, kera ajoissa nukkuu?!!! No enivei, toistamiseen
Tässä on muutama videopätkä ulkkareiden performansseista:
Talamasca Live:
Chromosome Live:
Andromeda Live:
[q]paupau, 23.8.2009 20:02:
Onnistuuko hillitön etukäteen lukeminen ja bileis iisisti, streittinä, kera ajoissa nukkuu?!!!
Kuka nyt viimeisenä iltana lukee & oppii?
Aura Of Goa perjantai 18.9.2009, 20 - 04 @ Helsinki Club
Afterparty lauantai 19.9.2009 05-12 @ Playground
Talamasca Live (FRANCE, Mind Control, 3D Vision)
Talamasca DJ-set
Andromeda Live (SWEDEN, Yellow Sunshine)
Chromosome Live (SWEDEN, Dream Visions)
Kiwa Live (Exogenic)
Phonogenic Live (Cocoon)
Salakavala Live (Antiscarp)
Luomuhappo Live (Freakdance)
Lunar Vegetarian Live (Goa)
Lergoi Volacheck Live (Unfair)
Aegonox (Goa, Entropy, Agitato)
Grin & Node (Deepscan)
Apo (Entropy)
Inkeri Tähti (Back 2 Mad)
Shishya (Sunstation, Synchro)
Goa club 2 year birthday / anniversary.
Ticket price for main event presale tickets are is 19eur in Cybershop (Asematunneli & Kamppi), 20.2eur in Tiketti. Door tickets are 23eur (if the event is not sold out beforehand).
Afterparty price is 8eur for those that have been to the main event (and have the wristband (ranneke). For others the price is 11eur. Afterparty does not have presale tickets. Afterparty is directly after main event, Saturday 19th of September 05-12 in Playground (Iso Roobertinkatu 10)
Afterparty line-up:
Texas Faggott Live (Exogenic)
Soladria Live (Goa, Peyotii Recordings)
Indigo (Unity, Sininen)
Tim Thick (Exogenic, Texas Faggott, Mandalavandalz)
Lionel Tiger (Blow)
Whiskey Baba (aka Calamar Audio, Antiscarp)
Peter Pan (Entropy)
Getafix (Sokeaa Euforiaa)
Other main event info:
Visuals by VJ Metamystik
Decorations by Trootootoo (UKRAINE) and Synchronometrica.
Trootootoo is a very interesting decoration group. They have visited two times in underground parties in Finland and this is their first time in Helsinki. Trootootoo is famous of very special and unique decoration technique. Trootootoo backdrop cloths contain mirror surfaces that reflect light and bring the pictures very alive. Below are two pictures and the rest are in Trootootoo web pages:
According to our information, all four international acts (Talamasca, Andromeda, Chromosome and suprise act) have never performed in Finland, so we have 4 debut performances in Finland !
Music of finnish artists:
Texas Faggott:
Lunar Vegetarian:
Lergoi Volacheck:
Talamasca is one of the big names of psytrance and it is the main project of Cedric Dassulle, a french Dj who began to play in 1992 in Paris. After being resident of the Rex club in 94/95, he decided to make his own productions under the name of Talamasca, and released his first album on 3D Vision in 1997. Since then, he's playing his live act all around the world, and gives sometime some dj sets under the name of Dj Lestat, his first name as a dj. More than 100 tracks have been released on the best labels of this style of music. Talamasca in Latin means "animal mask", and it is also name of the secret society of psychic detectives that were described in the books of Anne Rice. DJ Lestat read these books and decided to call the group by this name. Talamasca has is own record label Mind Control Records. In addition he participated in founding the Psychedelic Trance Label 3D Vision. Talamasca has collaborated with virtually all big names of psytrance. Here are some collaboration tracks or remixes:
Infected Mushroom - Psycho (Talamasca Vs. Nomad Tribute)
1200 Mics - LSD (Talamasca Remix)
Talamasca - Speaking Robot (GMS Remix)
Talamasca - Imaginary Friend Rmx (with Skazi)
Talamasca - To Be Continued (with Eskimo)
Talamasca - Breaking The Matrix Remix (With Sirius Isness)
Oforia - Unusual Game (Talamasca Rmx)
Talamasca and Space Cat - On Purpose
Some Releases:
Pure MDMA (1998)
Beyond The Mask (2000)
Musica Divinorum (2001)
Zodiac (2003)
Made In Trance (2004)
Obsessive Dream (2007)
One (with XSI) (2009)
Talamasca - Obsessive Dreams:
Talamasca - One:
Talamasca - Zodiac:
Anders Nilsson (30) is the man behind the dream project Andromeda. First release was out on legendary Spiral Trax & further on English Transient Records. After having released 7 albums and 100+ features on compilations with sales over hundred thousand copies. They constantly touring the most important festivals such as Boom, Trancendence, Ozora, Full Moon, Rainbow Serpent and travelling to all 5 continents frequently to deliver their well known Scandinavian sound scapes.
During 2008 he has been busy finishing the follow up of his biggest success "The Remixes". Now the part 2 "Classical Continuation" is in the mix process and the tracklist is bombastic: Logic Bomb-Crystal Skulls, Talamasca-Time Simulation, Bamboo Forest-breath to mention a few.
1. Chromosome - The Spirit Molecule Andromeda Remix
2. Bamboo Forest - Breath Andromeda Remix
3. Logic Bomb - Crystal Skulls Andromeda Remix
4. Tikal - Equinox Andromeda Remix
5. Talamasca - Time Simulation, Andromeda Remix
6. Alternate Vision - Theater of Magic Andromeda Remix
7. Miraculix - Stop Them Andromeda Remix
8. Silicon Sound - Nexus 6 Andromeda Remix
9. Solar Fields - Insum Andromeda Remix
Andy Nilsson (..78) & Linus Eriksson (..82) from Sweden is the companions behind the continuing project Chromosome, lived previously in Metropols like Amsterdam, Barcelona, the Balearic Islands and in modern days in a villa at the Portuguese Riviera. Education and background: Schooled Musicians and Sound Technicians, conducting choirs at age 7, bought first synth at 8 and father of Anders released 13 albums as violinist and inspired Chromosome to pursuit own career. At 18 while working with musicals and doing sound engineering for live bands like Latin Kings, they discovered the mystical magical dimension of trance, and love as a foundation for living. Discovering oneself as the source as Alex Grey so articularly puts it. This led them to produce their first Vinyl release on the now legendary Spiral Trax. From then until now has been a constant time zone shifting, touring the most insane sceneries n.. festivals, The Boom, Natraj Temple, Rainbow Serpent, Trancendence, Ozora. Developing soft n.. hard-ware for the Gypsy MidiSuit with Sonalog in the UK. Remixed artists like: Jean Michelle Jarre, Bamboo Forest, Silicon Sound, Logic Bomb. Praised by Alex Ligowskij as ...Wunderkind of 21st Century... and received ..Great Works.. reviews by the number one label Dragonfly Records for this Album.
Chromosome - DMT Cowboys
DMT Cowboys is a shponglish adventure into the Otherworlds...' This release of Chromosome 'DMT Cowboys' is the 6th album by Anders Nilsson and Linus Eriksson. A journey through their wide range of creative abilities. The intense touring Summer 2006 peaking with the Boom Festival inspired these psychedelic mind benders to forget an escalation in trance.
Fans worldwide know the unique sound from Scandinavia. The vibrating Ambient in Soul Surfer, hypnotic sound of Andromeda, into the magic full on frequencies by Chromosome. A creative musical environment in youth and music design studies led to a first release at legendary Spiral Trax and further on Transient. After followed the famous Andromeda albums that where sailing best seller charts all over and created big stirs in the trance scene. Influences as P Floyd, Simon Posford, BT, Depeche and Motorcycle are clearly heard on earlier works as well as here. Also the world of Tryptamines are part of the essence behind this album.
The Idea took form with the fellow partner Linus Eriksson who is 26 years old and previously released under Endorian. His extraordinary experience with music and productions led to joining Chromosome in 2006 and together produce this mystical ethnobotanical piece of wave constellation. Together with a masterpiece of artwork and a 8 page booklet painted by Android!
SURPRISE INTERNATIONAL ACT is a live act from outside Finland. We will leave it unpublished until later ;)
We will do everything possible to make the event even better than last year. This time we will be very careful that volumes in all stages or rooms will be in balance.
Here are some comments (finnish) of our last Aura Of Goa events:
"parhaimmat bileet evö! pelkkää tanssimista koko bileiden ajan, edes vessaan kerenny kertaakaan.. pari kertaa joutu istahtaa pöydälle ku jalat oli niin tulessa "
"Joo ei voi kertakaikkiaan sanoa mitään pahaa, oli parasta koskaan"
"Oli kyl pitkästä aikaa kunnon kemut mis pääs liekittää TÄYSII.. "
"Ei vitsi...mä olen vieläkin niin onnessani näistä! Kiitos "
"kyl nyt oli niin mukavaa pippaloissa että huh huh "
"tanssin niin paljon että tais entiset ennätykset paukkua "
"Iiiiihanaa!!! Joo oli kyllä varmaan vuoden parhaat pippaloiset. Tuli tanssittuu useamman tunnin ja se kyllä tuntuu myös jaloissa nyt *auts* Mut lisää tämmösiä kitoos!"
"Vuoden paras bilekeikka ehdottomasti = en meinannut jaksaa kaasua painaa Naantaliin asti vielä tänäänkään :D"
"Oli erittäin hyvät bileet"
"kiitos kaikille!"
"Huh! Kovimmat klubibailut hetkeen! Muistaa taas miks näis jutuissa viihtyy vuodesta toiseen."
"Oli kyllä kovat bileet. Pitkästä aikaa todistamassa ja toteuttamassa tämän kaltaisia klubibileitä ja hyvin viihdyin."
Many people in klubitus have described both of the events (Aura Of Goa 2007 and 2008) as the best event of the year.