Café Punawuori after Baari
Is anyone out there going to have any confidence in Café Punawuori after the the camera's are gone?
Super Bar is going to start hosting Foreplay vs. Fairplay at Café Punawuori every Sunday starting 11.6.06. (THERE WILL BE NO CAMERA'S). Sorry to those who want their 15 minutes of fame. Super Bar is too small to continue hosting Foreplay vs. Fairplay. For those of you who have been to Super Bar on Sundays, you know what I mean.
In my opinion it isn't the place that makes the party, its the people. Check it out before you form an opinion.
Lets hear what you have to say on the subject
Monday is the only day of the week Im not working so this sounds nice, especially if we get a good sunday club in a bigger venue (with some place to dance)
Theres no summer without sunday clubs, and this sounds good
M8,anything which isn't commercial milkshake and has some flavour will be welcomed with open arms!
Its a good idea to give the punavuori cafe a bit of class..a few tv cameras and noobs isn't what i ment with it..*nauru*
last party will be held on 11th of November 2006.
finally, it's closing, bye bye (will not miss u)