CLINIC 1 year anniversary with RICHARD DURAND (NL) 21.2.2009 @ Bangkok by Night, Helsinki
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Vuoden verran Suomen klubiskeneä virkistänyt Clinic juhlii tranceosastonsa syntymäpäivää 21. helmikuuta vasta avatussa Bangkok by Night -yökerhossa osoitteessa Kaisaniemenkatu 4. Kuluneen vuoden aikana Clinicin vieraana ovat pyörähtäneet Above & Beyond, Menno De Jong, DJ Shah ja Nitrous Oxide sekä lukuisat kotimaiset alan ammattilaiset.
Syntymäpäivän kunniaksi Clinic lennättää Suomeen kovassa nosteessa olevan hollantilaisen Richard Durandin. Viime vuosina useita trancehittejä (mm. 'Make Me Scream', 'Slipping Away', 'Submerge' sekä 'Ledged Up') julkaissut Durand on omien tuotostensa lisäksi mm. remixannut useampia Tiëston hittejä. Alun perin omaan käyttöön tarkoitetut kappaleet kiinnittivät Tiëston huomion ja päätyivätkin lopulta julkaisuun. Tämän hollantilaisherran tuotokset pyörivät myös ahkerasti maailman trance-huippujen levylautasilla ja ovat saaneet suurta ylistystä aiemmin mainitun Tiëston lisäksi mm. Paul van Dykilta, Armin van Buurenilta ja Sander van Doornilta.
Ulkomaalaisvieraamme lisäksi musiikillisesta tarjonnasta tanssilattian puolella vastaa YleX:n Tiistain Tanssi-illan juontajana sekä ahkerasti keikkailevana klubisaundin raudanlujana asiantuntijana tunnettu DJ Orion, sekä Clinicin oma poika Poliisi, joka viimeistelee musiikillisen kattauksen melodisella ja nostattavalla psykedeelisellä trancesaundillaan. Loungen puolella rauhoittavat rytmit tarjoilee eräs Suomen parhaista chill out-dj:stä: Indigo
Tapahtuman lippuja saa ennakkoon Tiketistä sekä Street Beatista 13 euron hintaan ja ovelta lysti maksaa 15 euroa. Molemmat hinnat sisältävät narikkamaksun, joten mitään ylimääräistä ei tuon hinnan lisäksi peritä!
Clinic has been there for about a year to refresh the Finnish club scene so it's time to have a birthday party for our Trance department! It will be held at Bangkok by Night which recently opened at Kaisaniemenkatu 4. Past year we've been visited by Above & Beyond, Menno De Jong, DJ Shah and Nitrous Oxide.
To celebrate our birthday we've booked Richard Durand to visit Finland! Man behind such trance hits as 'Make Me Scream', 'Slipping Away', 'Submerge' and 'Ledged Up'. Besides his own track he has also remixed various Tiësto hits which were actually supposed to be just edits for his own use but gained Tiësto's attention and Durand's versions ended up being relesed. Durand's remixes and productions are in regular use of such names as Paul van Dyk, Armin van Buuren and Sander van Doorn.
Domestic guest for the trance arena will be DJ Orion who hosts YleX's Tiistain Tanssi-ilta -program and tours regularly around Finland. As a proper finish to the evening we have Clinic's own DJ Poliisi who will fill the dance floor with his melodic and uplifting psychedelic trance sound. The lounge is hosted by one of the best names in Finnish chill out scene, DJ Indigo
Presale tickets are sold by Tiketti and Street Beat for 13 euros. Door price will be 15 euros. Both prices include the cloak room fee!
[size=16]CLINIC @ Bangkok by Night[/size]
Saturday 21.2.2009 // 22:30-04:00 // age 20 with advance ticket!
Bangkok by Night
Kaisaniemenkatu 4
00100 Helsinki
Trance Operation Room:
[size=16]RICHARD DURAND[/size] (Terminal-4, NL)
[size=13]Poliisi[/size] (Clinic)
[size=13]Orion[/size] (YleX, Misc)
Chill out Room:
[size=13]Indigo[/size] (Sininen)
Trance Operation Room:
22:30 Orion
00:00 Richard Durand
02:30 Poliisi
Chill out room:
22:30 Indigo
Clinic visits booked in advance: 13 incl. bf from & Street Beat,
Charge at the Clinic reception: 15
Clinic information:
X-rays: AKI
Clinic group at Facebook:
Bangkok by Night group at Facebook:
Richard Durand bio
Amsterdam based DJ and producer Richard Durand is without doubt the fastest upcoming acclaimed artist the music industry has seen in years. Durand, who initially started off as the producer of one of Hollands most popular dance acts, has worked his way up the international dance ladder and now belongs to the crème de la crème of trance DJs.
In the last few years Durand produced and released numerous successful club hits though his international breakthrough was indebted by remixing Tiëstos Lethal Industry, Flight 643 and Break My Fall. What started out as a simple bootleg ended up as a remix-deal with one of the worlds most renowned DJs. Durand, whose agenda is packed till the end of 2008, was recommended by Tiësto as Tip for the Top for 2007 to DJ Magazine readers and as icing on the cake he entered the DJ Top 100 at no. 91.
Richard Durands recognizable sound can be defined as a mix of trance, techno with a touch of electro influences. Durands international fame grew quickly in 2005 after his release of the energetic club hit Make Me Scream. Not soon after Sunhump 2006, Slipping Away, Inside My Brain, Any Time, For the Believers 2.0, Sweep and Repeat, Submerge and Durands last release Ledged Up followed. Meanwhile fellow DJs such as Tiësto, Paul van Dyk, Armin van Buuren, Sander van Doorn and Judge Jules, have praised Durands talent and frequently incorporate his productions in their sets.
Unique performances Richard Durand acknowledges the importance of keeping his performances fresh and unique. What distinguishes Durand from other artists is the many remakes he produces to use in his own sets. Durand has successfully edited hits like the Prodigys Smack My Bitch Up, the Chemical Brothers Hey Boy, Hey Girl, Snow Patrols Chasing Cars and Binary Finarys 1998, making his performances very exclusive. Durands high technical skills also become apparent during his performances in which he usually uses three decks. Due to his contemporary style Richard Durand is now already an established name in the international music industry.
Touring the planet Richard Durand is touring the planet and meanwhile he has already performed in England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, Norway, Russia, Poland, South Korea, Taiwan, Ireland and in Spain. Durand is also frequently invited to perform at the internationally renowned festivals such as Dance Valley, Planet Love, Revolution, Airport Jam and Dance Planet. This summer Durand will also be resident DJ at Club Eden in Ibiza during the immense popular Judgement Sundays.
SLAM!FM resident Since 2008 Richard Durand has also been performing every first Saturday of the month on leading Dutch radio station SLAM!FM. As resident DJ of the programme Clubbin, Durand performs a monthly one-hour mix containing a combination of music he plays during his shows and the newest dance releases from the music industry. Afterwards his resident-mix can be downloaded as a podcast from i-Tunes or from his own website.
Future plans In addition to working on his first album and touring the planet, Richard Durand is also working with pop star Skin, known among other things as the former lead singer of Skunk Anansi, on an exclusive project that will be released in the course of 2008.
In the brief period of a couple of years Richard Durand has managed to become a praised and acclaimed international artist and hopes to soar even higher in the near future.
ransee kansalle ! pliis :P
Update :)
Tosi hyvä lineup tälläkertaa. Indigoo ja poliisii tamppaa aina mielellään*jiihaa*
Haha oon ollu Richard Durantin MC. Siinä vasta kova jätkä!
"Rrretaard Duraaand"
JiHaa...Richardia onkin odoteltu*jiihaa*
Jaahas, tänne vois tulla, mikäli saan reissut järjestetyksi sopivasti. Lineup aika mehukas.
Ja samalla tulis ensipuraisu tuohon paikkaan.
Liput myynnissä tänään klo 18 Tiketissä & Street Beatissa.
Tää ois ollu kiva kuulla ellei pitäs olla jo kahessa paikkaa soittamas samana iltana... noo kaikkea ei voi saada.
Art Of Trance - Madagascar (Richard Durand Remix) *sydän*
Nohuh, Richard Durand! Tolla äijällä on kyllä sellaista tuotantoa et välillä meinaa tulla pissat housuihin! Pitää kyl yrittää tulla paikalle :)
Trance Operation Room:
22:30 Orion
00:00 Richard Durand
02:30 Poliisi
Chill out room:
22:30 Indigo
Synttäreiden kunniaksi nopeimmille tarjolla kakkua ja pikkupurtavaa :)
Huom! Chill out loungeen ilmainen sisäänpääsy!
miten tää on jääny huomaamatta :D täytynee harkita.
Isseistä nassahti läjä uutta tränseä plakkariin, joten niillä suunnilla varmaan liikkuu oma saundi täällä :)
Ja vielä muistutuksena, lipunhinta sisältää narikan! Eli et joudu maksamaan mitään extroja lipun ostettuasi!
Oikein hyvät kemut!
Orion lämmitteli tuttuun laadukkaaseen tyyliinsä iltaa ja Richard räjäytti lopulta potin erittäin toimivalla äänimaisemallaan! Kehittyvää ja nautinnollista soundia.
Tähän vielä kruunuksi Poliisin odotetun toimiva lopetussetti.
Kiitos järjestäjille ja kanssaolijoile! *piis**nuotti*
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