Manuel Fuentes remix-kilpailun äänestysvaihe on alkanut
Spämmätään tämä tännekin. Tietysti oma lehmä ojassa, syvällä ja
poikittain.. Jos ei muuta, niin onpahan ainakin downittavana iso kasa
törkysen kovia teknoraitoja.
(Hämärä muistikuva oli jostain olemassa olevasta remixkisatopikista,
mutta en löytäny sitä millään. Siirtäkää tarvittaessa.)
Hi there,
time has come to enter the 3rd step of our Manuel Fuentes Remix Contest
And now it is on YOU to vote your favorite rework of each track.
Follow the links below to download the remix packages of each track where all the pre-selected reworks are included.
Feel free to publish this where ever you want. As more voters as better.
And here are the voting rules:
Generally everybody who like to vote for any rework is able to do it.
In this case everybody means every e-mail adress.
The one and only way to vote is via E-MAIL.
Please send your votes to
We will collect all votes and we will control the senders.
Each e-mail adress can vote ONCE for EACH
of the four different tracks the reworks are made from.
So the highest number of voting e-mails from one e-mail account is four.
Once a week we will post the pre-results of the votings.
The polls end is sheduled for the 01.04.2005.
Then we have the winner tunes which will be released in the summertime. Have fun.
Australian Bodycare Rework Package incl.
Antonio Lugo Rework
Bernd Schaller Rework
Detfella Rework
DJ Shiva Rework
John Connor Rework
Melchior Sultana Rework
Mike Deal Rework
N.O.R.O. Rework
Ogi Rework
Seb Neitsa Rework
The Germ Rework
Drug User Rework Package incl.
Alex Long Rework
Brad Lee Rework
Cameron Rework
Ende Rework
J. Raninen Rework
Lars Anderson Rework
Sascha Müller Rework
System Pi Rework
Flamenco Rework Package incl.
Alex Long Rework
Bernd Schaller Rework
Crazy X-Ray Rework
Lau Rework
Sir Round Rework
Tadox Rework
Van Max Rework
Northern Darkness Rework Package incl.
Alex Long Rework
Bem Pole Rework
Brad Lee Rework
Cie Rework
Detfella Rework
Dirty Base Rework 1
Dirty Bass Rework 2
Jon Connor Rework
Lau Rework
Markusalan Rework
MMB Rework
Smekbar Rework
Trinity Rework
Good luck to all the competition artists.
Giant & Dwarf Records / Fast Food Records Crew and Manuel Fuentes
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