L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S pres :: "Foundations" 16.11.2007 @ Turku
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Jälleen kerran oli hauskaa!
Carry on, LCS troopers!
Parhaat kellaribileet tähän mennessä. Ohmna räjäytti pankin! hmm...kritiikkinä vois sanoa et ohmnan olis pitäny soittaa 00-03 tai jotain, koska tanssilattia oli aivan täynnä kun progression soitti ja sitten ku tuli Ohmna ni lattia tyhjeni ja jengi lähti himaan. kaikilta soittajilta tuli hyvää setti mut kyl Ohmna oli
Toivottavasti uutta settiä tulossa pian...Kiitän! =)
Jesus Christus......*känni*
Kivaa oli! Kiitos A:lle mahtavasta kakusta. Ei ihme, että teki kauppansa
Oli kyl parhaat kellaribileet ikinä.Niin mielettömän hyvää musiikkia ja tunnelma oli ihan katossa koko Ohmnan setin ajan.ei oo pitkään aikaan tullu tanssittuu noin paljon. *sydän*
Thank u.
Where to start...
Quite simply: What an amazing party from start to finish! Our best so far! It was certainly one hell of a way to celebrate the first year of 'LCS' on the scene! Still smiling from ear to ear!
The venue filled up very quickly and by 22.30 / 23.00 it was pretty damn packed! As we say in English: It was heaving! Mark Kinnier, Ric James and Ali King nailed out so many genres of music within their sets. Tech-House, Progressive, Techno, Electro, etc... Such a picking of driving tunes that set the dance floor rolling pretty early on in the night! It was nice to hear Ric spin... I think he had all three CD Turntables running for his final mix before me. Not only looked but sounded fantastic!
It was a pleasure for myself to warm up for Ohmna. Nice to spin some uplifting Progressive and end with a few trancier beats before Ohmna took over. Thanks to all who danced. I got a great buzz seeing a packed dance floor in front of me. Always satisfying when I can see so many happy faces :) Keep it going!
Our headline DJ: Ohmna span for almost 4 hours! A very inspiring set and i cannot name a tune that didn't make people go nuts. Tune after Tune after Tune!!! And by previous comments it seems i am not the only one that felt that. He dropped some classics like: "Andain - Beautiful Things'", "Iio - Rapture", "Coldplay - Talk (Junkie XL Remix)" and not to forget.... Ohmna's own tunes: "I'm Lost" "The Sun Will Shine" and the legendary "People Get Lost".
So, now there's not much to say other than thank each and every person that turned up to party! Everyone was so well behaved. Coming to party hard... to have fun... For me, that's how it should always be at clubs: For the music, and not to stand and stare.
As usual, I have a huge thank you list:
Firstly thanks so so so much to 'Jeesboks'. You worked so hard and I don't know what to say! A superstar! 'Tommi': You are the Coffee Master and you always helped to keep things in order! 'Anny': The same as Jeesboks... Keeping all in order and driving all the DJ's too and from their Hotel rooms! ...and thanks for making a super cake(s). By 2am all three of them had been eaten... (People even licking the tin foil clean :P). 'Henrik & Laite' for sound/DJ equipment! 'Amma & Krista' for wonderful deco's! :)
A huge thanks to Ohmna for travelling to play for us! You rocked it! The same for Mark, Ric and also for their two mates who came over to give full 'alcoholic' support :) *känni*
Right now i need to catch up on sleep! It was another full on weekend of 3 nights out! Time to relax and now slowly plan the next LCS for 2008! ;) We'll keep you posted on that one for sure!
Until then, keep the peace!
Progression! :)
Had great fun. Never had such a laugh, but Aki's "kiharanvirkistäjä" made it! :D
Good dj's, lovely deco's and for once I wasn't in too bad shape!
btw, who shitted on the toilet floor? :D
[q]JussiS, 19.11.2007 15:22:
btw, who shitted on the toilet floor? :D
edit: pics or it didn't happen!
What a superb weekend of debauchery!
Superb music from Ohmna, Gavin, Mark and Ric and Tommy (90s set at mayhem on Saturday*nuotti*)
Thanks to everyone who turned up and helped out....even the guy/girl who shat on the floor of the toilet! Results should be comming back from the lab on wednesday*nalle*
Kiitos ihanat Oli kiva jeesailla. Paljon kivoi ihmisiä mestoilla, iso kasa kameleita ja hyvä meininki!
Spessu kiitokset anny, gavin, ali, tommi, mark ja amma. Viimeset puoltoistatuntia tulikin vissiin viihdyttyä tanssilattialla, Ohmna *sydän* Tuli kyllä niin hyvää settiä, et huh! Ainiin ja kakku
Had fun as always! Nice to see happy smiling people enjoying the music which was good..the place was pretty packed around midnight, lots of new faces :) And (drunk) Norn Iron accent isn't the easiest one to understand :D
..kivat kemut, ja hyvää kakkuu!
..a few pics HERE
[q]nenna, 19.11.2007 19:45:
..kivat kemut, ja hyvää kakkuu!
..a few pics HERE
Brilliant pics! Cheers from all of the LCS peeps for coming down & taking the snaps! :)
My Tracklist: CLICK HERE!
Just want to give special thanks to all who turned up and made this a birthday party to remember, your loyal support makes it all worthwhile... Kitos! Also great to see so many new faces on the dance floor amongst all the regulars. We hope you will join us again on Jan 25th for our next installment and indeed future birthday parties with L.C.S. !!!
PS. Good partying with the regulars on Saturday night in Turku! (You know who you are)
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