MindCore Presents ANGERFIST! 8.3.2008 @ Helsinki
[q]alek száhala, 19.1.2008 20:22:
Lätkämaskit päähän sit. Oli Sydneyssä viime vuonna aika hupaisa määrä maskeja porukalla.
Pitää kaivaa maski kaapista..
[q]`´, 19.1.2008 23:57:
Chare, 18.1.2008 05:47: vitsi meitsi oottaa näit bileit iha pillu märkänä!!
ÄLÄ MUUTA [size=20]SANO!!![/size]
Meikä vois melkein luvata vetää ranteet jos oon kiinni tän viikonlopun.
Samallainen meisinki sitten :)
tänne siis. se on nyt vaa sit ilmeisesti ihan pakko tulla.. ;D
Tommost sitten Hyvä video!!*pahis*
toivottavasti lomapäivät täsmää ni pääsee tänneki heiluu. kovaa settii tiedos näköjää (:
Jooh eiköhä näistä tuu aikas kovat bileet
oho oho. Aika kova.
Kerrankin pelkkää hc
[q]Zutsuu, 17.1.2008 10:39:
Tiedossa vissiin menevääkin o/
Prkle ku toisesta "tanssikengästä" pohja melkeen irronnu.. uusien osto tai talvikengillä mestoille! XD
Niin tuohon aiemmin kysymääni et vihanyrkki soittelee näköjään myös wanhempia biisejä (ainakin Sensation Blackis) mikä on hyvä. Ehkä saa kuulla sen lempparin :)
Kyll Angerfist rokkas viime Sensation Blackeissä vaikka soitti vikana 06:30-07:00. Jenggii oli ihan sikana mestoilla loppuun asti.
Suomessa jengi on ruvennu nykyään lähtee himaan jo 02 jälkeen?
Täytyypi ottaa huomioon.
Jos oot ostamassa uusia tanssikenkiä niin Niken Airmaxit on ainakin hollanissa hc bileissä kova sana:)
Mua on jo monta kertaa dissattu ku oon ollu skede kengissä hc bileissä,
et täytyypi tilata Niket ens bileitä varten:)
[q]Crs, 31.1.2008 21:53:
Kyll Angerfist rokkas viime Sensation Blackeissä vaikka soitti vikana 06:30-07:00. Jenggii oli ihan sikana mestoilla loppuun asti.
Suomessa jengi on ruvennu nykyään lähtee himaan jo 02 jälkeen?
Täytyypi ottaa huomioon.
Jos oot ostamassa uusia tanssikenkiä niin Niken Airmaxit on ainakin hollanissa hc bileissä kova sana:)
Mua on jo monta kertaa dissattu ku oon ollu skede kengissä hc bileissä,
et täytyypi tilata Niket ens bileitä varten:)
Mulla ei ainakaan mitään asiaa himaan noin aikasin kun en asu edes paikkakunnalla xD. Mieluiten tietty aamuun asti!
En seuraa pukukoodeja.. pidän jonkinlaisesta "mashup" tyylistä :D. Tosin jotkut oldschool rotterdam gabber letit on aika makeita ^^
[q]Acid-Kun, 20.1.2008 01:05:
Meikä vois melkein luvata vetää ranteet jos oon kiinni tän viikonlopun.
No sit sä kyl varmaan jonnekin pääset lukkojen taakse =D
[q]Zutsuu, 31.1.2008 22:48:
Crs, 31.1.2008 21:53:
Kyll Angerfist rokkas viime Sensation Blackeissä vaikka soitti vikana 06:30-07:00. Jenggii oli ihan sikana mestoilla loppuun asti.
Suomessa jengi on ruvennu nykyään lähtee himaan jo 02 jälkeen?
Täytyypi ottaa huomioon.
Jos oot ostamassa uusia tanssikenkiä niin Niken Airmaxit on ainakin hollanissa hc bileissä kova sana:)
Mua on jo monta kertaa dissattu ku oon ollu skede kengissä hc bileissä,
et täytyypi tilata Niket ens bileitä varten:)
Mulla ei ainakaan mitään asiaa himaan noin aikasin kun en asu edes paikkakunnalla xD. Mieluiten tietty aamuun asti!
En seuraa pukukoodeja.. pidän jonkinlaisesta "mashup" tyylistä :D. Tosin jotkut oldschool rotterdam gabber letit on aika makeita ^^
Mulla oli punaiset doc martensit thunderdomessa ja sain mainetta ja kunniaa =) yhdistettynä aavikkomyrskyhousuihin ja tyylikäs väriyhdistelmä burberryn tennispaidan kanssa.. kengissä on tosin hurjan huono tanssia, but... i dont mixxx, i dont dance!! Jne :P ;)
edit: not too camp? =)
TÄNNE ! ! !
[q]astaroth, 8.1.2008 23:07:
kulttuuria saatana! paikalla! <3
korjaan; saatanan kulttuuria! olen myös paikalla! tätä lähemmäs MoH kokemusta Suomessa ei pääse ;D
[q]sparffo, 9.2.2008 22:55:
astaroth, 8.1.2008 23:07:
kulttuuria saatana! paikalla! <3
korjaan; saatanan kulttuuria! olen myös paikalla! tätä lähemmäs MoH kokemusta Suomessa ei pääse ;D
hihihhhihih Aina vaan parempaan suuntaan =) nyt ku kaikki kigulihousut ja hevipellet alkaa diggailla hooceeta niin sit olis vielä parempi!
Raise your fist! For Angeeeerfist! :D
Saturday 8.3.2008, 21 - 04, age limit 18, 15 @ Gloria / Helsinki
ANGERFIST (Masters Of Hardcore, Holland)
Leo Laker Live! (Shimonsters, Ohioboys, 13th rec)
Dj Mental (Baltic Storm Promotions, Estonia),
Dj Criss (MindCore),
Dj Friik (Säde),
Neon (Säde),
Johnny Bash (Hart-Zell),
Waily (Terrorcraft, MayHem),
Xybo (Fleshwound),
Gohai (Terrorcraft),
The year is 1997. Danny Masseling is 16 years old, and his first experience with music production has entered his system. After buying a simple piece of software, he started off using 4-beat programmed loops and ready-to-go breakbeats. However the possibilities were limited, his creative mind had finally found a way to express itself. Instantly, a severe addiction to music production was born. It became an absolute obsession, while school and social life had to pay the price. Danny worked on his beats day and night. And how cliché it might sound, this actually became a way of life. Only the one interest constantly mastered his brain. After a while of connecting loops and simple beats, the limits to this way of producing started to irritate. He decided to start using different software, and the first serious beats were born.
In 2001, Danny felt it was time to make a move into the hardcore scene. After sending a demo out to BZRK Records, Mark Vos (aka Buzz Fuzz, owner of this notorious record label) contacted him to do some serious buzzinezz. After a while of mastering and editing, BZRK033 was born. Under the alias Menace II Society, the Son Of A Bitch EP entered the market. Almost at the same time, the first Angerfist EP was released on Overload Records. However the track Chronic Disorder, made Menace II Society a well known name, Angerfist would grow out to be one of the biggest names in the scene. Traxx as Criminally Insane and Fuck Off were immediately recognized as relatively big hits. Danny had set foot in the scene. After releasing an EP under the third alias Kid Morbid, he chose Angerfist to be his main project.
Still heavily sedated by this sudden rush of records and enthusiastic hardcore people, the traxx kept coming. In 2003, the Sons Of Satan EP was released on Masters of Hardcore Records. The idea for an Angerfist act, to bring the vibe to the parties would soon appear. Danny asked some of his best friends to join him in these weekly performances around the country. MC Prozac, the twisted MC making the crowd go insane ! Being capable of turning even the lamest party into a hit, hes an essential member of the crew. And the third dedicated member, Crucifier, makes sure the sounds keep rollin and the beats keep bangin. Three guys starting something, what would turn out to become a brutal combination. Bringing the wicked beats, wearing a hockey-masks and a hooded sweaters, was an instant success. Every place they visited, the crowd went wild and dancefloors filled up.
The Angerfist name grew with enormous speed. A year of insane parties and performances went by, as Danny worked on a record that would turn out to become his biggest hit. In 2004, the time had come to release the Raise Your Fist EP. Every party they visited, the crowd actually raised their fists to this record. A bizarre phenomenon, that is still done to this day.
Now, the year is 2006. Angerfist is one of the leading acts of the scene, with a massive number of fans. Not only did the beats poison their home country, it has also spread beyond the boarders. They visited countries as Switzerland, Scotland, Russia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Spain and Italy.
Beside the live-act, Danny also decided to start playing as a dj at the parties. His first real dj gig was at the number one hardcore event Masters Of Hardcore in Den Bosch. However different both styles of performing may be, the dancefloors always explode.
2006 is also a year of experiment. Different styles, and insane collaborations are done.
Working together with producers like Outblast, Akira and D-Spirit resulted in big party hits as well as evil hardcore beats.
Also the solo record Towards Isolation EP, is a record where the experiment is centred.
The only thing missing was an album and a party, to celebrate the last 5 years of Angerfist and to look forward into the future. Therefore, the Pissin Razorbladez double CD + DVD album was released.
Fresh rugged hardcore beats and the hits of the past, is an effective description of this massive album. The first time it was available for the people, was at the sold out release party at the Hemkade in Zaandam. A truly amazing event, with an unforgettable atmosphere.
We dont know what the future might bring, but we do know that the Angerfist beats will never stop. Dedicated to the sound, the music will continue to spread the globe and the masked freaks will keep on rocking the parties.
Leo Järveläinen aka. Leo Laker, Switchblade, William Garvin..... Always interested in music Leo started early trying various instruments, but found a better way of expressing himself with an Amiga's ProTracker music software, which he later then changed into a PC and DOS-based ImpulseTracker. When he was 14 he got more interested in techno and started collecting records and creating more tracks based in the rhythm and kicking bases. In 1996 Leo recorded some demotapes and sent them to Tresor Records. Selected tracks were released in 1998 as "6AM" EP. The record got a lot of attension and was placed in many DJ-charts. The second release "Tontunmäki" EP (1999) was also a success and became one of Tresor's most ordered back-catalogue titles. In 2001 Switchblade was born with the release of "Switched To Blades" EP from 4X4 Records. This brought Leo to the attension of the new growing "Schranz" community and started getting booking and record requests worldwide. To this day Leo has made over 25 releases and played in countries such: Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Belgium, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine...
08.03.2008 klo 21-04
Gloria. Pieni Roobertinkatu 12
From door: 15
Advance: 10 +bf. (1) Street Beat, Tiketti 11 incl. bf
http://www.streetbeat.ac , http://www.tiketti.fi
Massive Sound System(d&b) will be installed!
Extra lights will be installed