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Hehee.. hauska peli! Koiratkin voivat olla homoja :laugh:

Siin on myös samalla kissan lämmityspeli ;)

Terveellinen ruokavalio on kaiken a ja o, tässä hyviä reseptivinkkejä. :hah:

nim. OlliS:n ruokailuvinkit on da run ;) :hearts:

Quote by hiski
Terveellinen ruokavalio on kaiken a ja o, tässä hyviä reseptivinkkejä. :hah:

nim. OlliS:n ruokailuvinkit on da run ;)

Olen aikasemminkin näit lukenu mut kyllä vaan naurattaa! :crybaby:

Personality Disorder Test


debian linux... hmm. =))

"people have difficulty getting to know you. Once you have finally open your shell they're apt to love you."


Muumipelion ykkönen! Prkl, missä vaiheessä sitä enää pitäis tehä töitä???

[ 26 September 2001: Message edited by: Tapi T ]

no viddu eisit, tana... :right:

Quote by Ante

jussi is the first sweeping
jussi is sky keeper of the year you voted for jussi jaaskelainen
jussi is your keeper of the year
jussi is paving the way towards "european conscientious objecting"
jussi is not prosecuted in finland because of his political conviction but because of committing criminal deeds
jussi is starting a clothing company called makia with fellow finnish snowboarder joni malmi
jussi is the last man to drop and he thoroughly stomps an enormous switch backside 900
jussi is able to do some work at the same time
jussi is the object of hate
jussi is always in a good mood and looks at things from the positive side
jussi is a "still kicking" international finnish playwright
jussi is wounded
jussi is dreaming of a cold coke
jussi is a cs student majoring in usability
jussi is one of the first two students from the helsinki university of technology who chose to study at eurécom
jussi is still attracted to the beautiful and mysterious siiri
jussi is given for lifelong achievement
jussi is doing much better than they should have done if he had stayed on
jussi is one of our close friends from finland
jussi is forced not to play
jussi is jussi pokkinen
jussi is travelling mainly in the states
jussi is owned by sinikka and jouko virtanen :D
jussi is a proud dad
jussi is an civil engineer and member of the board in several associations
jussi is also a wingsuit instructor
jussi is responsible for smartner's marketing and sales activity
jussi is what everybody hopes for around here
jussi is a big guy and built like a brick you
jussi is also using a toyota corolla wrc väärin, se on landcruiser! ;)
jussi is very hopeful of a successful 2002 season and explained the decision to run both a super 1600 car and a world rally car in the same year
jussi is a "spotted leopard bengal"
jussi is
jussi is especially in the area of basic sailing yacht design where his yachts represent the top of modern yacht sailing performance and ease of
jussi is a high energy
jussi is his friend jukka
jussi is adding 4 ensnaring bridges
jussi is a locally well known player
jussi is working as a sound
jussi is lid van de raad van beheer van de finse bond van gewetensbezwaarden
jussi is the head summer co ordinator of the largest cross
jussi is our old friend and very good choice for a bl's guitarist
jussi is a nice boy from kokkola =
jussi is the only metal fan of the band
jussi is de oprichter en artistiek leider van het aarre ensemble
jussi is trained in mathematics
jussi is that he is not from the same mould as all the other young movers and shakers of the future
jussi is also a master violin maker
jussi is mixed with acoustical instruments
jussi is a neurosurgeon from helsinki finland
jussi is primarly using a aria pro ii signature model bass equipped with active electronics
jussi is tormenting his guitar in disco ensemble
jussi is always asked to come and do the impossible
jussi is fascinating in its depiction of a youngster growing up in provincial sweden
jussi is very hopeful of a successful 2002 season
jussi is busy identifying something exciting
jussi is a big boy
jussi is specialized in hosting educational
jussi is an alter and being retired from the show ring
jussi is one of the seven brothers in a novel written in the mid 19'th century by aleksis kivi
jussi is responsible for the rest
jussi is coming home today
jussi is doing research on how new technologies effect the game play and entertainment
jussi is the backbone of fall of the leafe
jussi is cold' b
jussi is the maintenance chief of the korpjärvi racing team
jussi is a director of catalyst fund management and research
jussi is a great progressive freestyle board
jussi is an awsome designer that has been one of my favorites for a while now
jussi is the leader of the youth work at the finnish lutheran mission
jussi is known as the great inventor "jal" of the shadow jaegers and with them he fights the neverending battle against evil
jussi is still the best goalkeeper of the season
jussi is a darling
jussi is studying in university of kuopio etc
jussi is an exceptional male dancer with great subtle movements
jussi is quite personal and self
jussi is shaping up to become one of the all time great wanderers keepers; saturday only emphasised that fact
jussi is sure it's mostly omega ss
jussi is standing on his hands
jussi is also a photographer
jussi is so lieb und süss *schwärm* und der jyrki wenn er vor
jussi is the dark finnish vert skater that for some reason likes to stay in the background most of the time taking it easy and training in the finnish
jussi is weer naar finland
jussi is the author of several good programs for system administration
jussi is very small person
jussi is eight months old
jussi is very pleased with her


aivan loistava! :D

Vituttaako työnteko?

No nyt ei vituta enää yhtään

karhunpentuja! :heart:


mä haluuntän jäbän mun kotibileisiin... :happyroll:

IHAN VITUN WANHA :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Quote by trusti

maija hii, maija hoo, maija hoo, maija ho-hoo!

Quote by Ana--
Quote by Sampson
Tämä vetoomus luulisi olevan kaikkien sydäntä lähellä ;)


nettivetoomukset :happyroll: ehkä turhinta maailmassa.

varsinkin kun yhteysvaihtoehtona on oletuksena "En tiedä" :D

Mä kun luulin olevani kovakin jätkä levyineni, löytyy äijä jolla taatusti oli harvinaisimmat levyt: Thomas Alva Edison.
Nyt mainio saitti jossa noita ultraharvinaisia kiekkoja ja SYLINTEREITÄ voi kuunnella:

Playlist for Thomas Edison's Attic - June 27, 2006

Artist Track Album Year

Sibyl Sanderson Fagan - The bird and the saxophone Diamond Disc 7750-B 1921
B.A. Rolfe & his Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra, Vaughn De Leath - Am I blue? - fox trot from "On with the show" Diamond Disc 19220-B 1929
Olga Bibor Hungarian Orchestra - Magyar dalok no. 2 Diamond Disc 5184-B 1916
Apollo Quartet of Boston - Eternity Diamond Disc 5304-A 1922
Mid-Pacific Hawaiians, William Kalama - Ko leo (Your voice) Diamond Disc 18768-A 1928
Edison Military Band - The blue jackets march Gold Moulded cylinder 9201 1906
Edward M. Favor - I like the hat, I like the dress Amberol cylinder - 4M-792 1911
Kaplan's Melodists - Bagdad - fox trot Diamond Disc 9723-B 1924
Venetian Instrumental Trio - Memories of home Amberol cylinder 4M-811 1911
Billy Murray - I'd rather be a lamp-post on old Broadway - from "Hip-Hip Hooray" Diamond Disc 4228-C 1916
Fred Van Eps - Omena intermezzo Diamond Disc 4180-A 1916
Manhattan Ladies Quartette - Pussy's in the well Amberol cylinder 4M-941 1912
John Baltzell, John F. Burckhardt, S.C. Schults - Arkansas traveler Needle Type disc N-179-A 1928
Fry's Million Dollar Pier Orchestra - Tessie (stop teasin' me) - fox trot Diamond Disc 9839-A 1924

-hemmetin makeeta ja kovaa kamaa, varsinkin "Bird and the Saxophone" ja "I like the hat, I like the dress" järjettömiä biisejä. Muutenkin kama kuulostaa paikoitellen CBS:n höyry-osastolta, eli kauas ei ole omena pudonnut :hearts:

Tuolla vanhoja miksauksia:


Quote by Ezzy

Yks tommonen kiitos! :hearts:

Quote by Ezzy

:hearts: :hearts:
Väri & muotoilu on kyllä vähän liian "kiksu"... :D
Hauska idea, taitaapi olla ton suunnittelija dj.

Quote by Tapsa
Taas näit Japski touhui

Vitsi ne o ihmeellist porukkaa..

huh... tossa jätkässä olisi ihan mieletöntä percussionistipotentiaalia :laugh: siinä jäin meinaan bongo, mungo, vai mango aaltonen vai mikä se oli kakkoseks;)