viikon linkki
imo kaikki jotka fiilistelee getaway videoita vois muiluttaa ruotsiin :) Suurinta idiotismia.
Sopiva sunnuntaisetti:
Japan-A-Radio - Anime Music & Japanese Pop (JPOP / Anime)
Viikon linkkinä on itseasiassa kahden linkin materiaalin tehokas yhteiskäyttö. Eli...
Lataa DeepRhythms-saitilta Timon ja David Wolf'n Juhannusmiksaus.
Pistä miksaus soimaan ja avaa
Miksaus + Koneiston saitin sirkutukset lennättävät sinut kauas kesälaitumille. Paskoista koneiston sivuista ei ole muuta iloa kuin äänet (mm. aikataulua ei voinut copy/pastettaa #%&¤!).
Originally posted by Homegrove:
Kuinka hyvin käy iskeminen?
"67 % / Shy Guy
Always in control, and that often works out the best on a holiday night out, But stop playing it so safe! We know its not cool to get wasted, but you need to let down your hair and live a little! Perhaps a bit of dutch courage will give you that pep you need to go for it a bit more."
Yes, that's me! Kaltaisilleni City-lehden verkkosivujen palvelu: Reittaa mimmit.
Ja näin se kertoo legendasta:
derrick may is one of the founding fathers of detroit techno
derrick may is a frequent visitor to japan
derrick may is dé grondlegger van de detroit techno en de man achter legendarische projecten zoals rythim is rythim
derrick may is the founder of detroit techno and the man behind legendary projects such as rythim is rythim
derrick may is not 4
derrick may is one of the "innovators" who created modern techno music in the 80s in detroit
derrick may is a man of opinions
derrick may is history
derrick may is one of the worlds most well known artists
derrick may is a 1986 graduate from newark high school
derrick may is the
derrick may is a dj who proves techno can have funk and soul with bells on
derrick may is living proof that music can take on a life of its own
derrick may is the revolution carl craig
derrick may is undoubtedly the philosopher of techno
derrick may is the best known producer of techno
derrick may is often given credit as one of the prime technological architects of techno
derrick may is rhythm is rhythm is mayday is transmat
derrick may is yesterday's hero
derrick may is one of those larger than life
derrick may is another's depeche mode
derrick may is a legend
derrick may is a good kick off for a career
derrick may is credited to be one of popular music legends
derrick may is universally regarded as the definitive techno
derrick may is not to be sneezed at
derrick may is familiar to most while françois k may not be quite so well
derrick may is credited as being one of the inventors of detroit techno
derrick may is widely credited
derrick may is one of the prime architects of the detroit techno sound originating in the late 80's
derrick may is - "and all
derrick may is the kind of guy that feeds off the energy of a place or his personal experiences that day and that can either mean you have this brilliant time
derrick may is techno's undisputed monarch
derrick may is truly one of the kings of the detroit sound
derrick may is rockin
derrick may is
derrick may is the man
derrick may is now officially playing another gig in
derrick may is now officially playing another gig in melbourne
derrick may is a founding father of electronic music
derrick may is one of
derrick may is the most arrogant cunt on the planet" peter hook
derrick may is talking at one of the workshops
derrick may is spoken in
derrick may is playing and that
derrick may is less prolific
derrick may is the master of music
derrick may is still one of the best producers of all time
derrick may is suddenly back
derrick may is his hero
derrick may is in town
derrick may is techno's velvet underground
derrick may is taking his transmat label on the road this november for a string of live dates throughout the us
derrick may is easily one of the greatest techno tracks of all time
derrick may is #1
derrick may is on good form with kao
derrick may is universally regarded as the definitive techno producer; by
derrick may is very influenced by disco
derrick may is doing nicely this spring and should hit in the
derrick may is known as the godfather of techno
derrick may is praised as one of the founding fathers of techno
derrick may is about is summed perfectly up on this
derrick may is present on more
derrick may is definitely inconsistent although he does play better in smaller venues
derrick may is also called derrick maybe 'coz of the fact you never know he's gonna show up or not
derrick may is so respected
derrick may is passionate
derrick may is goddelijke techno
derrick may is yesterdays hero
derrick may is also one of the founding fathers of detroit techno
derrick may is universally regarded as
derrick may is well known on the rave
derrick may is 4
derrick may is het nu juan attkins die ford van soundtrack voorziet
platinum plus
( 595 000 results)
( 1 200 results)
The winner is: platinum plus
Tämä taisi tulla vastaan joskus Commie-listalla. Se on aikalailla vastine tuolle Hawking-linkille.
Britney Spears
Originally posted by nuh:
uh. toivottavasti tää on vaan huono vitsi. Dj Amplitude
No ei ole. Jätkän settiä voi imuttaa täältä:
DJ O-P. Ja mikäs vika tuossa saitissa oli?
Ensimmäinen linkki on tämänpäiväisen (3.5.) Hesarin sivulle D2 - Hong Kongin mainos.
Toinen totaalirepeämisen aiheuttanut varsinainen linkki liittyykin tuohon Super Gregiin. Harvoin pelkkä saitin osoite on naurattanut näin paljoa -
Originally posted by Jay.Logic:
Aivan käsittämättömän hieno c64-nettiradio. Äsken soi Last Ninja 3:n ja Bionic Commandon tunnarit.[QB]
Yksinkertainen aihe ja hyvä toteutus, eikä pelkästään C-64, vaan myös muut retrolaitteet ovat edustettuina. Todellakin kivaa tavaraa. Samaan henkeen voisi laittaa esim: - mestarietsivä Harmu ja sidekick Jaa-män.
Tämä biisi on soitettu radiossa! Kanava oli muistaakseni Radiomafia.
Ihan vain Equilibrium-elokuvan innoittamana:
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Tytöt ja naiset, tämä on teille: - älkää leikatko hiuksianne lyhyiksi.
En nyt tiedä onko tämä teh viikon linkki, mutta minusta oli kiinnostavaa lukea liikelahjoista eri maissa.
Perjantain kunniaksi; paras netistä löytyvä Jordan / Katie Price -kuvagalleria: Ehdotonta runkkumateriaalia! Löytyy mm. näin ihania kuvia. (itse saitti on alhaalla, mutta tämä alasivu toimii)
Filtterihousee ja kierrätettyjä discoklasareita - kuka on sämplännyt ketäkin:
Tarvinneeko enempää sanoa? Huomatkaa myös linkki oikeassa yläkulmassa, ja sieltä osio "Radio Jerevan".