Labyrinth // Laserpoint // Whiteout 17.4.2010 @ Helsinki
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Liput hommattu, ensi viikon lauantaita odotellessa.. *känni*
Dresscode details
The dresscode and theme for this year's Labyrinth // Laserpoint event is white and we encourage all of you to dress up. Everything from just a white t-shirt to a completely white outfit, accessories and make-up is accepted. But don't worry if you don't have a 100% white outfit because you are still more than welcome. Just use your imagination and be part of the experience!
Liput on hommattu ja hotellihuone varattu. Techmun Laserpoint-excursio on jo lähtökuopissaan.
Liput polttelee taskussa..menis vaan viikko äkkiä.
Vieläköhän ehtis jostain hommata jotku siistit valkoset housut..
Ei kyl kerkee mistään tilaamaan.
viikonpäivät enää jaijaijaaaa...!
Ja se on viikko jäljellä
tasan 7 päivän päästä saattaa olla aikas hyvä meno tähän aikaan. ;)
Labyrinth // Laserpoint // Whiteout - Interview 3/6 - Orion & Flight
01. Orion & Flight - What kind of memories do you have of Kaapelitehdas, the venue where Labyrinth // Laserpoint is being held?
Last year's gig at the main stage was exactly 10 years after I visited Labyrinth for the first time and was blown away by the Kaapelitehdas vibe. Even though it took ten years, I think it's a great proof that if you push hard enough, you can make anything happen.
When I came into this scene not even 4 years ago I could never even imagine all this to happen so fast. 2007 warmup slot at the Laserpoint side stage, then 2009 & 2010 the main stage. I'm so grateful to all those guys behind Labyrinth // Laserpoint events who have been supporting me from the very beginning.
02. You both have been playing in numerous club cities already this year. What are the most enjoyable features of touring Finland?
I think we have a privilege in Finland to have so professional and self-demanding promoters who're making great events no matter where you go. Also - meeting great new people on and off the dancefloor and getting down at the afterparty with the locals - nothing beats a weekend like that.
I love those road trips, so nice to chat, meet and have fun with new friends. Laidback guys & chicks from south to north and from east to west. No matter where you go there is always someone who loves electronic music, wants to party and appears beautiful ;)
03. We all remember that Coldplay bootleg and all the re-edits from the 2009 event. What's currently boiling in the studio?
We've done together over a dozen new re-edits during the past months and we'll be selecting the best ones for this year's Labyrinth // Laserpoint.
On my solo side I've done lots of chill-out tracks with my brother J.Shore and just signed a contract with Silk Sofa which should result some new releases still this year.
Regarding Coldplay-bootleg - it was great to see ATB exclusively supporting the tune - he's still playing it. That bootleg can now be downloaded for free here:
Besides the re-edits we've made a new bootleg with legendary K-System - Smashing Pumpkins 'Tonight, Tonight' - the debut play will be at the Cable Factory. Rumored 'Amor De La Discoteca' is a slammin house track by my mate Heikki L and me, our first but surely not the last tune together. And of course the Tampere duo is doing some dancefloor damage: Latest Flight & Jontey track 'Every Night' got surprisingly wide support and was just released on Avenue recordings. There are some other collab plans but those results you will explore later this year.
04. Tell us one irritating and one admirable thing about the other?
Orion has sometimes a mode known as hyperactive workaholic, but with a right attitude it has good impact for a lazy guy like me. Generally speaking, he's an earthy and trustworthy character who inspires and encourages the crowd around him. Finest fella I have met via techno.
After a gig, I hate early wake-up-calls with Flight. Merely because he doesn't wake up. There's no way of getting him out of the bed. But on the other hand - he's super reliable and fascinatingly talented house DJ who has a great ear for groove. And not to forget - a very good friend.
05. What's the wildest rumour going around of you two?
Yes, it's definitely about when we met. The worst thing is it's all true. I was drunk and in a gay bar...
... yes, an epic start, indeed. Tampere, gay bar and back in 2006. Good things don't often start that obviously :)
Ai ai, ei malta oottaa millään, way out west yks all time favorite!
Maanantaita piristämään ja odottamisen tuskaa lieventämään
huumoripläjäys laserpointeista menneiltä vuosilta feat. frööbelin palikat
The biggest laser show ever seen in the Northern Europe!
All the details and plans have now been confirmed and We are proud to announce that the laser show in this Saturday's Labyrinth // Laserpoint // Whiteout will be the biggest laser production ever seen in the whole Northern Europe.
There will be 20 highly visible DreamLaser diode systems and 4 massive DL3 RGB full colour projectors. The DL3 RGB delivers the crispiest white and a colour balance never before seen in this scale. All of this equipment will be controlled by Dreamlaser Net hardware and software which allows the engineer to trig chosen effects to the music.
Laser equipment in this magnitude is not available in Finland so it will be imported exclusively for this event. Once again the new standards for laser shows in dance events will be set by the Labyrinth // Laserpoint team...
The biggest laser show ever seen in the Northern Europe!
*aplodit*[q]Amnesia, 12.4.2010 12:24:
The biggest laser show ever seen in the Northern Europe!
[q]Labyrinth, 12.4.2010 11:54:
4 massive DL3 RGB full colour projectors. The DL3 RGB delivers the crispiest white and a colour balance never before seen in this scale.
[q]Labyrinth, 12.4.2010 11:54:
The biggest laser show ever seen in the Northern Europe!
Tämä sai mut tilaamaan lipun*plur*
Hei kaikki radion kuuntelijat!*pihkassa*
Darkside muuttaa uuteen päivämäärään ja kellonaikaan!
Uusi päivä ja aika ovat:
Joka toinen TIISTAI ja klo 21:00-23:00!!!!! Seuraava ohjelma tiistaina 13.04.2010!
Muutos johtuu Basson ohjelmakartan päivityksestä ja Bassolla tapahtuneista uudistuksista.
Näin ollen kellonaika ja päiväkin ovat paremmat ja kuuntelija ystävällisemmät.*vink*
Sama meininki jatkuu ja nyt Darksidella takana jo 3,5 vuotta ja sitä ennen Teflon Bullet vuodet joten forward forever ja backward never!!*nauru*
Sama taajuus 102,8 mhz ja
Parhain terveisin,
Harri Xxx
Jebabeba ensimmäisenä uuden show päivän teemana on ensi lauantain Kaapelitehtaan Whiteout bileet!!! Erikoisvieraina Mr Anton Sonin ja Mr Lauri The Laserpoint!!
Lähetyksessä juhlistetaan ja juhlitaan tulevia megabileitä ja piereskellään ja naureskellaan tuttuun tyyliin asiaan kuuluvan musiikin säestyksellä!!
Taajuus 102,8 mhz ja
Proteus' Darkside radio show at Finnish major radio station Basso Radio will have new regular time and date! The new time is at 09-11pm Finnish time and new date every second Tuesday! The next show will be on Tuesday 13th April!!
This week's show will celebrate this Saturday's Whiteout/Laserpoint/Labyrinth event here in Helsinki Finland @ Cable Factory. Whiteout is the biggest dance event in Finland this year!
Check more info
Pienen harkinnan jälkeen ajattelin laittaa sittenkin vaan valkosen yläosan, vaikka kerkesin jo lupailla vähän muuta:)
[q]vala, 12.4.2010 23:41:
Pienen harkinnan jälkeen ajattelin laittaa sittenkin vaan valkosen yläosan, vaikka kerkesin jo lupailla vähän muuta:)
Tässä vaiheessa sitä aletaan jänistää...
[q]vala, 12.4.2010 14:10:
Labyrinth, 12.4.2010 11:54:
The biggest laser show ever seen in the Northern Europe!
Tämä sai mut tilaamaan lipun*plur*
hienoa vala! :) jos nään sut ni tuun moikkaa. x)
---- The biggest dance event of the year ----
---- Be part of the experience Dress in white ---
Saturday 17.04.2010 - Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland
[size=18]WAY OUT WEST (UK)[/size]
16 years. Four artist albums. 19 knockout singles. One amazing electronic dance music act.
[size=18]BLANK & JONES (GER)[/size]
The two producers have released 10 artist albums and more than hit 20 singles since their first single release Sunrise in 1997.
Darude (EMI)
Orkidea (Unity)
Proteus (Säde)
Leo Laker Live (Tresor)
Anton Sonin (Laserpoint)
Orion (YleX)
Jace (Monday Bar)
Flight (One)
Casper DJ (Helsinki)
Paul Easy (Clinic)
T. Rio (Hooverdamn)
Pietari (Labyrinth)
Carbon Based (Finrg)
Venue: Kaapelitehdas / The Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki, Finland.
Doors open: 20.00 - 04.00
Age limit: 18 years and over
Capacity: 3000 people
More info:
Ticket sale starts on Monday 15.02.2010!
More info:
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